编辑: 梦三石 | 2019-07-07 |
这大概是「台式英语」最明显的错误种类,如name [nem] 误读为 [n?m];
snack [sn?k] 读作 [snek];
seatbelt ['
sitb?lt] 读作 ['
of [?v] 读作 [ov];
like [la?k] 读作 [lak];
no [no] 读作 [n?];
rest [r?st] 读作 [r?st] 等. (2) [-n] 与[?] 韵母相混,如on [n] 或[?n] 误读为[?];
in [?n] 读作 [??];
been [b?n] 读作 [bi?];
length [l???] 读作 [l?n?];
bangs [b??z] 读作 [b?nz] 等. (3) [-m] 韵尾读作 [-n]、[?] 或根本就不念;
如from [fr?m] 读作 [fr??];
system ['
s?st?m] 读作 ['
time [ta?m] 读作 [t???](~ 符号代表鼻化的母音)等. (4) 子音字尾省略不发音,或带音读为不带音,如at the [?t ??] 读作 [? ??];
good-bye [g?d ba?] 读作 [gu ba?];
did leave [d?d liv] 读作 [d?t liv] 等. (5) [?]、[?] 念成 [l]、[s]s如the [??] 读作 [l?],this [??s] 读作 [l?s],think [???k] 读作 [s??k],three [?ri] 读作 [sri] 等. (6) 重音不对,如'
newspaper 读作 news'
frigerator 读作 refriger'
grandmother 读作 grand'
mother 等. 读者若想要多t解有关台湾常见的英语发音问题,可以参考 About Pronunciation 一文(注二). 6. 学生有充分准备以后,请每一组上台表演.表演时老师与学生都要记笔记,尤其是有关 发音、音调、演技方面可以再改进的地方.好的地方也要记得赞美,来给予学生鼓励. 7. 针对老师和其他同学的建议做改进,再做一次角色扮演活动. 资料取得方式 如何取得影集的带子呢?除了自己在家里录制录影带以外,也可以向 amazon.com 订购 Ally McBeal 的录影带或 DVD.好处是所得到的录影带或 DVD 很清楚,没有广告的干扰. 如果学校或个人的视设备允许的话,也可以打开或关闭英文字幕 (closed captions). 教学例一 以下摘录 Ally McBeal 中的一段对白作为例子sAlly 当年在哈佛的同学 Richard,带Ally 到他的法律事务所就职上班.一进门,Richard 就介绍 Ally 和同事 Billy 认识,而Billy 正是 Ally 的旧情人. Richard (R): Hey, Billy, come on in here for a second. I want you to meet somebody. Ally McBeal. Uh, Billy Allan Thomas. Billy was actually with us at Harvard first year before he transferred out. Billy (B):We...know each other. 敦煌英语教学杂志 第二十八期
40 http://www.cavesbooks.com.tw R: You do? Oh, my god! Oh, you two...? Oh, I feel so stupid. Oh, you two were...? B: She'
s working here? R: Well, yes...that...is that a problem? Because if it is... B: No, it'
s not to me. Is it to you? Ally (A): Me? No. (gulp) It'
s fine. B: Fine. R: Fine. A: Fine. (pause) I have to go to the bathroom. Elaine (administrative assistant): It'
s this way. A (to herself): This is not a big deal;
s OK. It...it'
s not a tragedy;
s just a funny bounce of the ball, that'
s all. 这虽然是一段极简单的对话,不过,学生要演出 Ally 面对旧情人时内心的挣扎,可要下 一番功夫. 以下为根厦娴钠纤谱鞯目寺┳至废.留空的字有实字 (content words) 与虚字 (function words) 两种.两者比较起来,虚字较难懂,因为虚字往往是没有重音的,说得 较不清楚.这也是一个很好的磨练缩形 (contractions) 的机会. Richard (R): Hey, Billy, come (1)in here for a (2) I (3)you to (4)somebody. Ally McBeal. Uh, Billy Allan Thomas. Billy was actually with us at Harvard first year (5)he transferred (6) Billy (B):We...(7)each (8) R: You (9)Oh, my god! Oh, you two...? Oh, I feel so (10) Oh, you two were...? B: (11)working here........