编辑: 山南水北 2019-07-08
本刊由香港中文大学资讯处出版 ,每月出版两期.

截稿日期及稿例载於www.iso.cuhk.edu.hk/chinese/newsletter/. The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at www.iso.cuhk.edu.hk/english/newsletter/. 第三九零期 二零一二年一月四日 No.

390 4 January

2012 P2 「原来 , 科技再先 进 ,也有取代不了 的服务. 」 '

There are services that cannot be replaced by state-of-the-art technology.'

P10 「因为想探索个中的奥 秘, 所以便去念音乐了 . 」 '

I was drawn to studying music because I wanted to gain a better understanding of how this mysterious language works.'

《中大通讯》 电子版 Online version of CUHK Newsletter 先舍后得的艺术 举世知名的雕塑家 、 中大地标 《仲门》 创作人朱铭博士 (左) , 於12月14日应邀莅 校,以「艺术即修行」 为题主持讲座 , 逾五百位师生校友和文化界人士蜂拥而至 . 一身工作服的朱博士 , 侃谈丢掉 「太极系列」 的创作已经差不多二十年 , 丢掉赚钱 作品 , 丢掉成名系列 , 不囿於固有概念, 浑然忘我 , 才是创作之道 .年届七十三的 朱博士说 U 「一路走 , 一路丢 , 这就是我创作生涯中的一点体会. 」 Emptying Oneself in Art Creation World renowned sculptor and creator of the University'

s landmark the Gate of Wisdom, Dr. Ju Ming (left) visited CUHK on

14 December to hold a public lecture titled '

Art as Practice'

for over

500 art lovers, many of them were staff, students and alumni. Dressed in his daily work clothes, Dr. Ju explained that he had ceased to create works of the '

Tai Chi Series'

, which catapulted him to international fame and fortune some

20 years ago, so as to throw off the shackles of pre-existing concepts, and reach the state of selflessness. This is the secret of his artistic creation. '

The discarding continues throughout the way. That is something I have realized in a very personal way in my artistic career,'

said the 73-year-old master.

2 No. 390, 4.1.2012 那些熟悉的身影,默默连系了我们 The Familiar Silhouettes Who Connect Us 上司眼中的华姐 Words from Supervisor 简月莲女士 (机械与自动化工程学系执行助理) Ms. Kan Yuet-lin (executive assistant, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering) 「华姐是一个和蔼可亲 、 勤力和富责任感的员工 . 」 '

Wah Che is an affable, hard-working, and responsible member of staff.'

在E世代,联系世界是弹指间事,只要指 头轻轻一触,便可把文字、图像、照片和 影音档案传至千里以外.不过,在中大 校园,仍不时看到背着信袋背包的员工 往来各部门送递文件. 《中大通讯》访 问了两位资深办公室助理,细谈在雨晴 寒热下,在这全港最大、超过一百三十多 公顷的校园穿梭奔走的故事.原来,科 技再先进,也有取代不了的服务. 邱洁华 Yau Kit-wah 机械与自动化工程学系办公室助理, 1988年加入中大 OA in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, joined CUHK in

1988 responsible for cleaning test tubes and preparing apparatus. In 1990, she was transferred to the Dean of Students'

Office at Shaw College (SC). She had to travel between SC and central campus once in the morning, and once more in the afternoon. In addition to the Mail Room, she had to hand in the computer room fees to the Accounting Operations and Systems Unit (AOU) at the University Administration Building (UAB) and posted the announcements at Science Centre. Her hard work won her supervisor'
