编辑: yyy888555 2019-07-11
引用信息:原载于《中国国土资源经济》2018 年第

11 期32-37 页1论住宅合作社制度的重新激活

1 ――以破解合作住宅 拿地难 为切入点 郭泽

1 ,黄健雄

2 (1.

福建省厦门市思明区人民法院,厦门 361000;

2.厦门大学法学院,福建 厦门 361000) 摘要:住宅合作社是合作社的一种形态,是有住房需求的中低收入家庭的人合组织,其开 发的合作住宅是政府主导供给的社会保障性住房之外的必要补充, 具有独特功能和价值. 然 而由于住宅合作社的发展存在相关立法不周延、 与地方政府目标乖离、 面临其他用地主体竞 争以及缺乏金融支持等障碍,合作住宅越来越难以取得土地,住宅合作社运动陷入低谷、几 近停滞.重新认识合作住宅在住宅体系中的定位,完善住宅合作社立法,修正地方政府政绩 导向,平衡住宅合作社与其他用地主体关系,加强对合作住宅开发的金融支持,是解决住宅 合作社拿地难问题,以至于决定住宅合作社制度存亡的必要考量. 关键词:住宅合作社;



划拨土地 中图分类号: F062.1;


D922.35 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-6995(2018) 12-0000-00 DOI:10.19676/j.cnki.1672-6995.0000138 Discussion the Reactivation of the Housing Cooperative System ―― Take Hard to Get the Land Ownership of the Cooperative Housing as the Entry Point GUO Zezhe

1 , HUANG Jianxiong

2 (1. People'

s Court Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian Province, Xiamen Fujian 361000, China;

2. School of Law, Xiamen University, Xiamen Fujian 361000, China) Abstract: Housing cooperative is a form of the cooperative, it is the human organization for low and middle income families with housing needs. The cooperative houses are necessary supplements to houses besides the government-supplied social security housing, therefore, it has unique functions and values. However, due to the development of residential cooperatives, there are obstacles such as incomplete relevant legislation, deviations from local government targets, competitions from other land users, lack of financial support and other barriers, it is increasingly difficult to obtain land for cooperative housing, the housing cooperative movement hit the

1 收稿日期:2018-06-14;

修回日期:2018-06-28 基金项目:福建省厦门市国土资源与房产管理局委托课题《立法修改研究》子 项目 社会保障性租赁住房及制度补充 作者简介:郭泽(1983―) ,男,福建省龙岩市人,福建省厦门市思明区人民法院房地产审判庭三级法官, 土地估价师,法律硕士、土地资源管理学士,主要从事房地产审判和不动产法研究. 通讯作者:黄健雄(1964―) ,男,福建永春人,厦门大学法学院教授、厦门市人民政府立法顾问、福建国 土资源专业技术带头人 (法学方向) , 法学硕士, 主要从事物权法、 房地产法研究. E-mail:[email protected].

2 doldrums and is almost stagnant. Re-recognizing the position of housing cooperative in the residential system, improving the legislation of housing cooperative, revising the local government'

s achievements orientation, balancing the relationship between housing cooperative and other land-use entities and strengthening financial support for the development of housing cooperative are solutions to the problem of hard to get the land ownership for housing cooperatives, also, these solutions are so important that can be treated as necessary considerations for determining the survival of the housing cooperative system. Key words: housing cooperatives;
