编辑: ddzhikoi | 2019-07-17 |
s nutrition and picky eating ? Gout or fatty liver disease ? Food allergies or intolerances ? Cancer, gastrointestinal problems, or malnutrition + Health seminars and workshops A broad range of interactive health seminars and workshops promote health education to the public. Scope of Services 服务 + 可针对以下主题,提供个别营养谘询服务: ? 体重管理(减重及增重) ? 血糖、血脂及血压控制 ? 怀孕期饮食、产后修身 ? 儿童偏食 ? 痛风症及脂肪肝 ? 食物敏感或不耐症 ? 癌症、肠胃问题及营养不良等 + 健康讲座及工作坊 举办各种健康题目讲座,以互动形式,向大众推广营养教 育. 六个月内减去12至15公斤 效果是单纯做运动的七倍 loss of
12 to
15 kg over a course of
6 months
7 times more effective than losing weight through exercise alone Does having diabetes mean a lifetime of hunger and boring meals? With a proper understanding of how to choose suitable foods and control portions, diabetes patients can still enjoy a variety of food while keeping their blood sugar levels in check. Professional Dietetic Services 注册营养师服务Diabetes Dietary Therapy 糖尿病饮食计划Diabetes Dietary Therapy 糖尿病饮食计划To make an appointment with our registered dietitian or for further enquiries, please call (852)
3651 8742, email [email protected], or visit our website at www.hkah.org.hk. Bookings and enquiries 1. All courses must be completed within the designated time period. Outstanding sessions are not subject to extensions or refunds, and are not transferrable. 2. Once application is confirmed, the course may not be cancelled or refunded, and is not transferrable. 3. In addition to our packages, consultations may also be paid for on a per-session basis at HK$650 per session. 4. Hong Kong Adventist Hospital C Stubbs Road reserves the right to amend any of the above details without prior notice. Remarks 如欲预约本院注册营养师服务或进一步查询,欢迎致电(852)
3651 8742或 电邮至[email protected],亦可浏览本院网站www.hkah.org.hk. 预约及查询 1. 计划须於指定时限内完成,未能於指定时限内完成的谘询服务不设延期、 退款或转让名额. 2. 确认参加有关计划后,不设取消、转让名额或退款. 3. 本院不单提供上述套式服务计划,营养谘询服务亦可按节收费,每节为 HK$650. 4. 香港港安医院司徒拔道保留更改及删改上述资料的权利,而毋须另行 通知. 备注 糖尿病等於「捱饿」、「无啖好食」? 只需要掌握选择适当食物及其份量的小技巧,就算患有糖尿病都 可以大饱口福,兼控制血糖水平. Improve quality of life by expanding the variety of food choices for diabetics 掌握选择食物的技巧,提升生活质素 Personalized meal planning, tips for eating out, healthy cooking, techniques for reading nutrition labels, and a calorimeter analysis (value: HK$1,000) 设计个人化餐单,外出用餐指引,阅读 营养标签及健康煮食贴士,及一次热量 分析仪测试(价值HK$1,000)
8 (to be completed within
6 months) 8节(六个月内完成) HK$4,180 Objective 目标 Course content 内容 Sessions 节数* Fee 收费 * By appointment 敬请预约 To make an appointment with our registered dietitian or for further enquiries, please call (852)
3651 8742, email [email protected], or visit our website at www.hkah.org.hk. Bookings and enquiries 1. A calorimeter analysis (value: HK$1,000) is included in the above package. 2. All courses must be completed within the designated time period. Outstanding sessions are not subject to extensions or refunds, and are not transferrable. 3. Once application is confirmed, the course may not be cancelled or refunded, and is not transferrable. 4. In addition to our packages, consultations may also be paid for on a per-session basis at HK$650 per session. 5. Hong Kong Adventist Hospital C Stubbs Road reserves the right to amend any of the above details without prior notice. Remarks 如欲预约本院注册营养师服务或进一步查询,欢迎致电(852)