编辑: ddzhikoi 2019-07-17

3651 8742或 电邮至[email protected],亦可浏览本院网站www.hkah.org.hk. 预约及查询 1. 上述计划包括一次热量分析仪测试(价值HK$1,000). 2. 计划须於指定时限内完成,未能於指定时限内完成的谘询服务不设延期、 退款或转让名额. 3. 确认参加有关计划后,不设取消、转让名额或退款. 4. 本院不单提供上述套式服务计划,营养谘询服务亦可按节收费,每节为 HK$650. 5. 香港港安医院司徒拔道保留更改及删改上述资料的权利,而毋须另行 通知. 备注 Concerned about losing weight, a loss of appetite, or a lack of nutrition? Professional Dietetic Services 注册营养师服务Cancer Nutrition Therapy 癌症饮食计划Cancer Nutrition Therapy 癌症饮食计划担心体重下降,没有食j,或是营养「跟不上」? Ensure adequate nutrition, overcome eating difficulties, maintain or gain weight, increase antioxidant levels, and minimize side effects of treatment. 确保营养充足,改善进食困难,维持或 增加体重,提升身体的抗氧化水平,及 减少治疗带来的不良反应

4 (to be completed within

6 months) 4节(六个月内完成) HK$2,380 Objectives 目标 Sessions 节数* Fee 收费 * By appointment 敬请预约 Suitable for those currently undergoing or who have completed cancer treatment 适合正接受 / 已完成癌症治疗人士 Are you concerned about providing enough nutrition to your baby, or worried about returning to your pre-pregnancy figure after giving birth? Would you like to prevent gestational diabetes and hypertension? Professional Dietetic Services 注册营养师服务Prenatal Nutrition and Postpartum Weight Loss 怀孕期营养........
