编辑: hgtbkwd | 2015-03-14 |
5.1-8 medium;
8.1-10 high十一分制 0-5 低;
5.1-8 中8.1-10 高*ECI Sub-indexes 批发,零售业、饮食及酒店业雇员信心指数 Mean平均值 6.84 6.38 (Overall mean: 6.93) 11-point scale: 0-5 low;
5.1-8 medium;
8.1-10 high十一分制 0-5 低;
5.1-8 中8.1-10 高*ECI Sub-indexes 批发,零售业、饮食及酒店业雇员信心指数 Mean平均值 4.58 3.72 (Overall mean: 4.11) 11-point scale: 0-5 low;
5.1-8 medium;
8.1-10 high十一分制 0-5 低;
5.1-8 中8.1-10 高 主要研究结果 (IV) Major Findings (IV) 在批发、零售业,与在饮食及酒店业工作的受访者,他们的工作满意度相若.但是,在工作安全感及工作前景方面,前者比后者有较大信心.Respondents in the Wholesale, retail industries and the Restaurants and hotels industries reported similar levels of confidence in regards to Well-being. However, the former indicated much higher levels of confidence than the latter in regards to Job Security and Job Prospect. * 雇员信心指数 C 分层分析ECI C Analyses by Demographics * Employee Confidence Index by Gender雇员信心指数分层分析 C 性别 11-point scale:
0 C lowest;
10 C highest十一分制 :
0 C 最低,
10 C 最高 * Employee Confidence Index by Gender雇员信心指数分层分析 C 性别 11-point scale:
0 C lowest;
10 C highest十一分制 :
0 C 最低,
10 C 最高 * Em........