编辑: 星野哀 | 2013-04-18 |
结果表明: BDE-209 在鱼体中主要代谢产物有 BDE-
208、 -
207、 -
206、 -154 及六溴、 七溴与八溴联苯醚, 其中代谢产物贡献鱼肌肉 PBDEs 为(97依0.8) %, 说明 BDE-209 主要以其代谢产物形式被鱼体富集, 且BDE-209 在罗非鱼体内的生物可利用性为 (3.7依0.9) %. 水煮和蒸的烹饪方式对罗非鱼体内 PBDEs 的摄食暴露风险的影响不显著, 但高温油炸过程中 BDE-209 会生成降解产物,包括 BDE-
153、 -
183、 -
196、 -
197、 -
203、 -
206、 -
207、 -208,将增加其的摄食暴露风 险.因此, 有机污染物的人体膳食暴露风险评估需考虑其在烹饪过程中的变化. 关键词: 十溴联苯醚;
烹饪 中图分类号: X503.225 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1672-2043 (2017) 06-1062-08 doi:10.11654/jaes.2017-0141 Metabolism of decabromodiphenyl ether in tilapia and its fate during cooking processes LI Zhi-feng, BAO Lian-jun* , WANG Zhen, ZHANG Ying, ZENG Eddy Y. (School of Environment, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China) Abstract: The present study was designed to identify the metabolites of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209)in tilapia and to assess its bioavailability and that of its metabolites in the fish. The changes in the composition and concentration of PBDEs in tilapia during cooking processes were also evaluated. The major metabolites of BDE-209 were identified as BDE-208, BDE-207, BDE-206, and BDE-154, whereas its suspected metabolites including hex-BDE, hepta-BDE, and octa-BDE should be confirmed in future studies. The concentra原tions of BDE-209 metabolites in tilapia accounted for (97依0.8) % of the total amount of PBDEs. These findings indicated that the bioavail原ability of BDE-209 in fish might exhibit in the form of its metabolites. The bioavailability of BDE-209 in tilapia was (3.7依0.9) %. In addi原tion, there were no significant differences in masses of PBDEs in tilapia before and after the boiling and steaming processes. However, BDE-
209 was degraded into low brominated BDE congeners during the frying process. The metabolites of BDE-209 during the frying process would increase human dietary exposure risks. As a result, human health assessments through dietary intake of food contaminants should con原sider the changes in concentration and composition of organic contaminants during cooking processes. Keywords: BDE-209;
cooking processes 收稿日期: 圆园17原02原08 作者简介: 李志丰 (1989―) , 男, 湖南娄底人, 硕士研究生, 主要研究方向为持久性有机污染物的生物富集和人体摄食暴露风险评价. E-mail: [email protected] * 通信作者: 鲍恋君 E-mail: [email protected] 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目 (41390240) Project supported: The National Natural Science Foundation of China (41390240) 圆园17,
36 (6) :1062-1069
2017 年6月农业环境科学学报允燥怎则灶葬造 燥枣 粤早则燥鄄耘灶增蚤则燥灶皂藻灶贼 杂糟蚤藻灶糟藻 李志丰, 鲍恋君, 王珍, 等. BDE-209 在罗非鱼体内的代谢及其在烹饪过程中的变化[J]. 农业环境科学学报, 2017,
36 (6) :1062-1069. LI Zhi-feng, BAO Lian-jun, WANG Zhen, et al. Metabolism of decabromodiphenyl ether in tilapia and its fate during cooking processes[J]. 允燥怎则灶葬造 燥枣 粤早则燥- 耘灶增蚤则燥灶皂藻灶贼 杂糟蚤藻灶糟藻, 2017,