编辑: jingluoshutong 2019-07-10
朝阳科技大学 幼儿保育系 硕士论文 教保服务人员对校外教学的考量因素与学习成效之研究 A Study of Key Factors and Effectiveness of Outdoor Education from Preschool Educators'

Perspective 指导教授:曹俊德 博士 研究生:林于婷中华民国

105 年6月16 日 朝阳科技大学幼儿保育系 Department of Early Childhood Development and Education Chaoyang University of Technology 硕士论文 Thesis for the Degree of Master 教保服务人员对校外教学的考量因素与学习成效之研究 A Study of Key Factors and Effectiveness of Outdoor Education from Preschool Educators'

Perspective 指导教授:曹俊德 (Jiun-De Tsau) 研究生:林于婷(Yu-Ting Lin) 中华民国

105 年6月16 日June 16,

2016 I 摘要 本研究旨在探究幼儿园实施校外教学之现况、教保服务人员对校外教学的 考量因素、校外教学的学习成效,以及校外教学的考量因素与学习成效之间的 关系.

本研究采用问卷调查法,以全台教保服务人员为母群体,采随机分层抽 样,共发出

694 份问卷,回收有效问卷

510 份.采用叙述性统计、独立样本 t 检定、单因子多变量变异数分析、皮尔逊积差相关分析与薛费法多重比较进行 资料处理与分析. 本研究发现,首先,幼儿园校外教学的地点以配合主题采教师群组共同决 定,实施频率以一学期一次为最多,活动时间以半天为主,并以游览车为主要 的交通工具.以教师、导览人员与学生操作体验导向的三种校外教学实施方式 为主,并且六成有家长、志工的协同参与,在校外教学活动的性质主要选择以 「社教机构的学习活动」 , 「户外环境教育活动」为次之. 其次,教保服务人员对校外教学的整体考量因素达重视程度,其中以「幼儿」层面最为重视;


不同背景变项「身分」 、 「担任职务」 、 「园所属性」在校外教 学的考量因素达显著差异;

不同背景变项「身分」 、 「服务年资」 、 「园所区域」 在校外教学的学习成效达显著差异;

校外教学的考量因素与学习成效两者之间 呈现正向显著关系. 最后,依芯拷峁岢鼋ㄒ,以供教保服务人员、幼儿园与相关机关单 位以及未来研究之参考. 关键字:校外教学、考量因素、学习成效 II Abstract This study investigated the implementation of outdoor education in preschools, factors considered by preschool educators when providing outdoor education, the learning effectiveness in outdoor education, and the correlations between the factors considered and the learning effectiveness in outdoor education. The questionnaire method was adopted, and the subjects were preschool educators in Taiwan. A total of

694 questionnaires were administered, and

510 valid responses were obtained. The collected data were analyzed using methods including descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, one-way MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and Scheffé'

s multiple comparison. Results showed that the locations of outdoor education are mainly based on curriculum themes and jointly decided by teachers;

most preschools arrange an outdoor education activity that takes a half day'

s time once a semester, and buses are their main transportation means;

most activities are implemented based on three models, including teacher-guided, tour staff-guided, and student experience, and 60% of the activities involve collaboration by parents and volunteers;
