编辑: 赵志强 2018-08-23

实话实说as sure as eggs is eggs的的确确,千真万确,毫无疑问,肯定地 Diamond cut diamond.棋逢对手,?将遇良才,?强中自有强中手They that know nothing fear nothing.无知者,无畏惧 Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you?麻烦没来找你,可别自找麻烦. 利用对仗:只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯.One?may?steal?a horse,?while?another?may?not?look over?the hedge.路遥知马力,日久见人心. Distance?tests?a?horse'


s?heart?.Time?will?tell?a?true?friend?from?a?false?one? Ⅲ. 汉英习语的共同特征 狼吞虎咽wolf?downdevour?ravenously铜墙铁壁impregnable?fortressa?bastion?of?iron Easy come, easy go.来得容易,去得快First come, first served.先到先得Like father, like son,有其父,必有其子More haste, less speed.欲速则不达Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦.;


6、由于各民族的文化和思维有着巨大的 共核 (common core),英汉习语有时有惊人的相似之处. 了如指掌火上浇油滴水石穿浑水摸鱼自吹自擂空中楼阁破釜沉舟如履薄冰晴天霹雳趁热打铁 To know something like the palm or back of one'

s handto pour oil on the flames / add fuel to the flames Constant dropping wears the stone.to fish in the troubled watersblow one'

s own trumpet castle in the airto burn one'

s boatsbe skating on thin ice like a bolt from the blueto strike while the iron is hot 喻义相同,结构相同: Ⅲ. 汉英习语的共同特征 喻体相同,喻意一致: 捅马蜂窝笑里藏刀脸皮厚肉中刺得寸进尺英雄所见略同拉长了脸(不开心)自食其果坏蛋赴汤蹈火颠倒黑白 to stir up a hornet'

s nestthe smiles with knife under the cloakthick-skinneda thorn in one'

s flesh / sidegive sb. an inch and he'

ll take a mile/yard) Great minds think alike. (put on, have, wear, etc) a long f........
